Results for 'Medhat Emil Habib'

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  1. Philosophie und Offenbarung.Emil Brunner - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):111-111.
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  2. Duch socialismu.Emil Svoboda - 1950 - V Praze]: Melantrich.
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    Erinnerungen an Franz Brentano.Emil Utitz - 1959 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 13 (1):102 - 110.
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    Vernunft in der Geschichte? Zum Problem der Hegelschen Geschichtsphilosophie.Emil Angehrn - 1981 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 35 (3/4):341 - 364.
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  5. Would Hegel today be a Hegelian?Emil L. Fackenheim - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (2):222.
  6. Immanuel Kant, 1724-1924.Emil Carl Wilm - 1925 - New Haven,: Yale University Press; [etc., etc.].
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  7. Der Begriff des Glücks und die Frage der Ethik.Emil Angehrn - 1985 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 92 (1):35-52.
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  8. What Can Historicising Rawls Achieve?Emil Andersson & Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis - 2024 - Analyse & Kritik 46 (2):305-318.
    This essay explores the implications of historicising John Rawls’s theory of justice. While historical research on Rawls and his social context has provided valuable insights, some scholars argue that historicising carries significant philosophical consequences. This paper critically examines one such argument that contends that historicising Rawls’s theory demonstrates its contextual nature, undermines its diagnostic powers, and leads to its complete dissolution. We offer a reconstruction of this argument and show that it fails. Further, while we argue that this argument fails, (...)
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    Rechtsphilosophie (Classic Reprint).Emil Lask (ed.) - 2016 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Rechtsphilosophie Fast samtliche Anhanger absoluter rechtsphilosophischer Wertprinzipien im neunzehnten Jahrhundert so z. B. Stahl, Trendelenburg, Lasson haben den Empirismus auf sich wirken lassen und eine Versohnung der Spekulation mit der positiven Rechtswissenschaft zum mindesten angestrebt. In neuester Zeit hat vor allem Stammler die Einordnung des Rechts in absolute Zweckzusammenhange mit der Ansicht zu vereinigen gewusst, dass die formale Gesetzmassigkeit oder gegenstandliche Richtig keit lediglich einen Massstab fur oder eine unbedingte Anforde rung an das Recht, ein Ziel fur den (...)
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    Das hermeneutische Projekt Georg Mischs.Emil Lensky - 2012 - Philosophische Rundschau 59 (1):92 - 96.
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  11. Distributive justice, social cooperation, and the basis of equality.Emil Andersson - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1180-1195.
    This paper considers the view that the basis of equality is the range property of being a moral person. This view, suggested by John Rawls in his A Theory of Justice (1971), is commonly dismissed in the literature. By defending the view against the criticism levelled against it, I aim to show that this dismissal has been too quick. The critics have generally failed to fully appreciate the fact that Rawls's account is restricted to the domain of distributive justice. On (...)
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  12. The liar paradox and the inclosure schema.Emil Badici - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (4):583 – 596.
    In Beyond the Limits of Thought [2002], Graham Priest argues that logical and semantic paradoxes have the same underlying structure (which he calls the Inclosure Schema ). He also argues that, in conjunction with the Principle of Uniform Solution (same kind of paradox, same kind of solution), this is sufficient to 'sink virtually all orthodox solutions to the paradoxes', because the orthodox solutions to the paradoxes are not uniform. I argue that Priest fails to provide a non-question-begging method to 'sink (...)
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    Die Lehre vom Urteil (Classic Reprint).Emil Lask (ed.) - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Die Lehre vom Urteil Windelband hat in seinen "präludien und in dem Aufsatz der Festschrift für Zeller "beiträge zur Lehre vom nega tiven Urteil gerade vermittelst der Urteilslehre den ent scheidenden Schritt zu tun vermocht, der Logik wieder ihre sachliche Heimat im Ganzen der Philos0phie zu bestimmen. Rickerts "gegenstand der Erkenntnis ist sodann das Grund buch für alle logischen Untersuchungen der Werttheorie geworden und geblieben. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. (...)
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    Die Entstehung der Metaphysik – Zur Rekonstruktion eines Denkwegs.Emil Angehrn - 2016 - In Gerhard Krieger (ed.), Die "Metaphysik" des Aristoteles Im Mittelalter: Rezeption Und Transformation. De Gruyter. pp. 23-44.
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    Capitalism and alienation: Towards a Marxist theory of alienation for the 21st century.Emil Øversveen - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):440-457.
    Alienation is among the most influential terms in Marxist theory, but also one of the most ambiguous and controversial. Unlike previous literature, which has tended to focus on Marx’ early philosophical writings, this offers a novel reinterpretation of the theory of alienation found in Marx’s later works. Rather than conceiving alienation as a subjective experience or an inherent feature of social organization, I contend that alienation in the Marxist sense can be understood as an objective process arising from the appropriation (...)
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  16. Panrelationism as the ontological basis of the ethics of altruism and reciprocity.Emil Visnovsky - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (1):26-34.
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  17. Political Liberalism and the Interests of Children: A Reply to Timothy Michael Fowler.Emil Andersson - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (3):291-296.
    Timothy Michael Fowler has argued that, as a consequence of their commitment to neutrality in regard to comprehensive doctrines, political liberals face a dilemma. In essence, the dilemma for political liberals is that either they have to give up their commitment to neutrality (which is an indispensible part of their view), or they have to allow harm to children. Fowler’s case for this dilemma depends on ascribing to political liberals a view which grants parents a great degree of freedom in (...)
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    An Empirical Moral Philosophy Perspective on Classroom Discussions of Controversial Issues.Emil Sætra - 2023 - Educational Theory 72 (5):641-662.
    In this article, Emil Sætra examines how teachers and students construct and experience aims and goods in classroom discussions of controversial issues. This study is situated within the emerging tradition of empirical ethics, and the research strategy comprised two main steps. First, Sætra used interview data to analyze, via the experiences of teachers and students, the following two empirical questions: (1) What goods normatively constitute educative discussions of controversial issues? (2) How are these goods constructed in time and space? (...)
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    The legal philosophies of Lask, Radbruch, and Dabin.Emil Lask, Gustav Radbruch, Jean Dabin & Kurt Wilk (eds.) - 1950 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
  20. On the Compatibility between Euclidean Geometry and Hume's Denial of Infinite Divisibility.Emil Badici - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (2):231-244.
    It has been argued that Hume's denial of infinite divisibility entails the falsity of most of the familiar theorems of Euclidean geometry, including the Pythagorean theorem and the bisection theorem. I argue that Hume's thesis that there are indivisibles is not incompatible with the Pythagorean theorem and other central theorems of Euclidean geometry, but only with those theorems that deal with matters of minuteness. The key to understanding Hume's view of geometry is the distinction he draws between a precise and (...)
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    ... Gesammelte schriften.Emil Lask & Eugen Herrigel - 1923 - Tübingen,: Mohr. Edited by Eugen Herrigel.
    1. Fichtes idealismus und die geschichte. Rechtsphilosophie. Hegel in seinem verhältnis zur weltanschaung der aufklärung. Gibt es einen "Primat der praktischen vernunft" in der logik?--2. Die logik der philosophie und die kategorienlehre. Die lehre vom urteil.--3. Platon. Zum system der logik. Zum system der wissenschaften.
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    Negative Capability Reclaimed: Literature and Philosophy Contra Politics.Ihab Habib Hassan - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):305-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Negative Capability Reclaimed: Literature and Philosophy Contra PoliticsIhab HassanI began a few years ago to try to make space in my reckoning and imagining for the marvellous as well as the murderous.Seamus HeaneyTwo concerns cross in this essay: the first, explicit, regards the current condition of the academic humanities, their idioms and axioms, especially in America; the second, implicit, regards my own need to confront criticism, its abstractions that (...)
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  23. Philosophie der literaturwissenschaft.Emil Ermatinger - 1930 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
    Vorwort.--Schultz, F. Die philosophisch-weltanschauliche entwicklung der literarhistorischen methode.--Gumbel, H. Dichtung und volkstum.--Cysarz, H. Das periodenprinzip in der literaturwissenschaft.--Petersen, J. Die literarischen generationen.--Medicus, F. Das problem einer vergleichenden geschichte der künste.--Petsch, R. Die analyse des dichtwerkes.--Muschg, W. Das dichterporträt in der literaturgeschichte.--Jung, C. G. Psychologie und dichtung.--Ermatinger, E. Das gesetz in der literaturwissenschaft.--Nadler, J. Das problem der stilgeschichte.--Wundt, M. Literaturwissenschaft und weltanschauungslehre.--Strich, F. Weltliteratur und vergleichende literaturgeschichte.--Sarnetzki, D. H. Literaturwissenschaft und die dichtung und kritik des tages.
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  24. Die Überwindung des Expressionismus.Emil Utitz - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:123-123.
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  25. Der neue Realismus.Emil Utitz - 1927 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 21:170-183.
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  26. Georg Simmel und die Philosophie der Kunst.Emil Utitz - 1920 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 14:1-41.
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    On the proof complexity of logics of bounded branching.Emil Jeřábek - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (1):103181.
  28. Dovere deontico e dovere anankastico in giapponese.Emil Mazzoleni - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 90 (2):245-251.
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    30. Zu Xenophon und Pseudoxenophon.Emil Müller - 1859 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 14 (1-4):398-403.
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    The Privatization of the Self in Modern Society.Emil Oestereicher - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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    Die Religionsphilosophie Hegels.Emil Ott - 1904 - Naumburg a.S.,: Druck von Lippert & Co..
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    Standards of equality and Hume's view of geometry.Emil Badici - 2011 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92 (4):448-467.
    It has been argued that there is a genuine conflict between the views of geometry defended by Hume in the Treatise and in the Enquiry: while the former work attributes to geometry a different status from that of arithmetic and algebra, the latter attempts to restore its status as an exact and certain science. A closer reading of Hume shows that, in fact, there is no conflict between the two works with respect to geometry. The key to understanding Hume's view (...)
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    Dokumente einer Freundschaft: Briefwechsel zwischen Hermann von Helmholtz und Emil du Bois-Reymond, 1846-1894.Hermann von Helmholtz, Emil Du Bois-Reymond & Christa Kirsten - 1986 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Edited by Emil Du Bois-Reymond & Christa Kirsten.
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    Rorty’s Humanism.Emil Višňovský - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    There have been few attempts thus far to read Rorty through a humanistic lens. This paper is an attempt at making explicit some of the key features of his conception. My main objective is to show that humanism is integral to his philosophy and to explain what it consists in. I focus on Rorty’s secular humanism, which I believe lies at the center of his thought. In sections 2 and 3, I provide an account of key humanist sources, both pragmatist (...)
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  35. Die Mystik und das Wort.Emil Brunner - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:59-59.
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    Estudios sobre la "Filosofía del Derecho" de Hegel.Emil Angehrn & Gabriel Amengual - 1989
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    Negativistische Hermeneutik. Zur Dialektik von Sinn und Nichtsinn.Emil Angehrn - 2009 - In Andreas Hetzel (ed.), Negativität Und Unbestimmtheit: Beiträge Zu Einer Philosophie des Nichtwissens. Festschrift Für Gerhard Gamm. Transcript Verlag. pp. 21-40.
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  38. Abschied von Hans Driesch.Emil Ungerer - 1942 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:102-108.
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    Die Ausbildung der mathematischen Zeichensprache und ihr Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der mathematischen Problemstellung.Emil J. Walter - 1956 - Synthese 10 (1):187-189.
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  40. Heraklit und Herakliteer.Emil Weerts - 1926 - Berlin,: E. Ebering.
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    Die Teleologie Kants und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Logik Der Biologie - Primary Source Edition.Emil Ungerer - 2014 - Nabu Press.
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections (...)
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  42. A Treatise on Love by Ibn Sina. Translated.Emil L. Fackenheim - 1945 - Mediaeval Studies 7 (1):208-228.
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    Iterated Mixed Strategies and Pascal’s Wager.Emil Badici - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (4):487-494.
    Mixed strategies have been used to show that Pascal’s Wager fails to offer sufficient pragmatic reasons for believing in God. Their proponents have argued that, in addition to outright belief in God, rational agents can follow alternatives strategies whose expected utility is infinite as well. One objection that has been raised against this way of blocking Pascal’s Wager is that applying a mixed strategy in Pascal’s case is tantamount to applying an iterated mixed strategy which, properly understood, collapses into the (...)
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    Kvanvig on Reducing Personal to Doxastic Justification.Emil Salim - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (2):699-702.
    In his book The Intellectual Virtues and the Life of the Mind: On the Place of the Virtues in Contemporary Epistemology, Jonathan Kvanvig argues that there is an interchangeability of personal and doxastic justification, which ‘blocks the quick route to virtue epistemology’. To prove that personal justification is reducible to doxastic justification, he utilizes λ-calculus expressions that aim to show the logical equivalence of the two notions of justification. In this paper, I argue that he has made an illegitimate move (...)
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    Open induction in a bounded arithmetic for TC0.Emil Jeřábek - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (3-4):359-394.
    The elementary arithmetic operations +,·,≤\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${+,\cdot,\le}$$\end{document} on integers are well-known to be computable in the weak complexity class TC0, and it is a basic question what properties of these operations can be proved using only TC0-computable objects, i.e., in a theory of bounded arithmetic corresponding to TC0. We will show that the theory VTC0 extended with an axiom postulating the totality of iterated multiplication proves induction for quantifier-free formulas in the language ⟨+,·,≤⟩\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} (...)
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    Zur Sprache kommen: von der Sprachlichkeit des Menschseins.Emil Angehrn - 2021 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Der Mensch ist das sprechende Lebewesen. So lautet eine der altesten Definitionen des Menschen, die heute - auch mit Blick auf neuere Forschungen zur Tiersprache und zur Computersprache - zu prazisieren und zu begrunden ist: Wie bildet sich die Sprache im menschlichen Leben heraus? Was beinhaltet das Sprachvermogen und welches ist seine existentielle Bedeutung fur den Menschen? Dass der Mensch sich aussern und anderen mitteilen kann, dass er mit Worten die Welt erkunden und erfassen kann, dass er sich uber sich (...)
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    Die Logik der Philosophie und die Kategorienlehre: eine Studie über den Herrschaftsbereich der logischen Form.Emil Lask & Friedrich Kaulbach - 1993 - Mohr Siebeck.
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    Vocația paideică a filosofiei rom'nești.Emil Stan - 1999 - București: Ed. Paideia.
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  49. Der Künstler.Emil Utitz - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):110-110.
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    Die überwindung des expressionismus.Emil Utitz - 1927 - Stuttgart,: F. Enke.
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